
If you are interested in purchasing an original, please contact initially via the contact page, to check availability and for any additional information that you may require.

Copying by any means is not permitted without the express written permission of the artist. This also encompasses commission work.
Ownership of the painting does not constitute ownership of copyright. Copyright always remains with the artist unless it has been agreed otherwise by written consent.
The artist has the absolute right to create prints and other merchandise from the original paintings whether in the artist's possession or not. Exception to this, is where commission work has been undertaken, in which case, permission would be sought from the customer.

Prints are not kept in stock and are printed to order, via a small professional printing company, in the UK.

Commissions are welcome.
Please contact in the first instance, to discuss your requirements.

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION FROM COMMISSIONS: No copying by any means is permitted without prior written consent of the artist. If prints are required from the original, then this can be ordered through the artist, but before being dispatched. Copyright is not transferred with the ownership of the original and always remains with the artist, unless otherwise agreed in writing. The artist will not publish a commission without seeking prior consent from the customer, unless the terms set out above have not been adhered to or the commissioned subject is from the artist's own source material.

It is recommended that all paintings and prints are kept out of direct sunlight and away from damp or very dusty conditions.
A feather duster or soft, microfibre cloth without a cleaning agent will suffice in removal of dust from framed paintings.
Please make sure on hanging work that your fittings and support are strong enough to withstand the weight. If in doubt, seek the advice of a reputable framer.

Disclaimer: Please note the guidance offered above is only advisory and, as such, the purchaser retains responsibility for the item and any potential damage or harm caused.